Kara Hunter, Loyola University Maryland, is currently serving as the Assistant Director of Competitive Sports at Loyola University Maryland. She began her officiating career with intramurals as a graduate student at North Carolina State University. She currently officiates in the A10, MAAC, Ivy League, ASUN, MEAC, America East Conference, Patriot League, and North East Conference. Kara is also fortunate to be in the NBA grassroots program and hopes to add to the growing number of women in professional basketball.
Focus on what goes on during your own games as we watch Kara’s presentation showing us some of her own games to teach officials how to recognize various calls and situations.
Chat Transcript
Luke Bettencourt
you can mute the specific tab by clicking the audio icon
Natosha Harris
Luv the luv for Court Club!
Natosha Harris
Mamba Mentality
Tori Landron
the lead should have moved quicker and stopped widening once she recognized the drive
Keenan Souve
That lead way over-rotated
Malik Galbraith
I always have trouble with hesitating to rotate in fear I rotate into a drive, what are ways to work on fixing this?
Nate Cearley
Court Club’s teaching has catapulted my development into an atmosphere that would not be possible without it. I have opportunities for mentorship with D1 referees and NBA referees, chances to work on National TV, and countless friendships through Court Club. You are doing yourself a disservice by not being a member. 30 days For $1? Incredible content for a buck.
Natosha Harris
Lead should recognize the drive and stop & go back
Scott Flickinger
Hi all, time to wrangle the toddler. Thanks for this fantastic event everyone!
Michael Castaneda
Bye Flick!
Tori Landron
trail needs to step down and stay engaged
Sophie Rattray
Who is she screening though?
Natosha Harris
Thanks for being on Flick...get that toddler!
Luke Mrakovich
how would you sell that illegal screen call so everyone knows what you have
Jon Broska
Luke I think mechanics and voice are key here...for purposes of time i'll pass on asking but thank you
Jon Broska
*missing the kahoot music right now* 😀
Natosha Harris
Oooo, whack!
Nell Sandring Wesemann
Plays like these are what make women's basketball interesting
Jon Broska
kudos to Kara...it's easy to show plays you get right...she's doing a great job of helping us grow and develop by showing plays she can improve on!!!
Tyler Bandhoo
Am I going color blind or did "Blue 24" look like Red 24?
Jon Broska
i definitely saw red and white teams lol
Natosha Harris
Amen to that Nell...Women's game is sneaky with their movements...gotta be ready
Dillon Schimmoeller
Natosha Harris
Agree its humbling putting these plays out to an out audience
Greg Durham
the fans loved that call. big fans
Natosha Harris
Why do officials throw their techs at people...one day someone is going to react and walk towards you
Keenan Souve
We need to have a T on that. The arm swipes are too much for college ball.
Keenan Souve
Directed at the official
Natosha Harris
Technical foul is like any other call don't make emotional or throw it at a player in this moment
Nell Sandring Wesemann
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Dillon Schimmoeller
Love the t-swift reference Nell
Tyler Burroughs
Good quote @Nell Wesemann, wonder were you heard that
Tyler Burroughs
where* sheesh
Nell Sandring Wesemann
To everyone: That is a direct quote from THE Tyler Burroughs of Kansas State University
Jon Broska
I hope everyone got that nugget. By a different official calling the T instead of the one that called the foul, you prevent the coach or player from thinking the one ref is out to get them...HUGE!!!
Kaylee Grant
Don’t make his head bigger than it already is @Nell
Michael Castaneda
Laken Johnson
Very true @Kaylee
Dillon Schimmoeller
Tyler Burroughs jacked that quote from Taylor Swift and I can't be convinced otherwise
Nell Sandring Wesemann
You may be right Dillon but you
Nell Sandring Wesemann
have to ask
Kaylee Grant
Is Tyler Burroughs a closeted T-Swift fan? The world may never know
Tyler Burroughs
I collaborated on using such verbiage with a former Supervisor. They may have borrowed it from miss T Swift. Until this very moment, I was unaware that she may have coined such a phrase
Tyler Burroughs
thusly, I plead no contest
Jon Broska
Hey all! Appreciate the love and fun...let's just make sure people can find the tips/nuggets as well
Joaquin Vidal-Collazo
Snaps!! Working on patience is humbling but really helps in the long run
Natosha Harris
Impact of our whistle....
Rob Rorke
This is how you should look at your video, great honest self assessment and working the deep dive approach by Kara
Natosha Harris
Agreed Rob
Dillon Schimmoeller
As a young official still learning to properly break down my film its great observing someone else's process!
Rob Rorke
She is making herself vulnerable for self improvement, that is clearly why she has success and has risen to the
Rob Rorke
D1 level
Jon Broska
Very impressive approach to video work….love the observations on body language …the non verbals
Jon Broska
Just a reminder to use the google drive to see these plays if they are choppy for you
Jon Broska
Jon Broska
see if this link works
Tori Landron
Tyler Bandhoo
It does, thanks JOn
Natosha Harris
That's a tough play...
Natosha Harris
Open looks and angles are huge
Jon Broska
sure is
Tori Landron
courage for center to come in and make that call
Natosha Harris
Center would have to step on court for credibility on this play if the put a whistle on it
Jon Broska
I think at the IM or even HS level it's really really tough to come that far
Dillon Schimmoeller
Sophie Rattray
When kahoot is done… so I don’t forget is there a program you suggest that works well for officials to cut plays?
Jon Broska
I like VLC Media Player
Jon Broska
it's free too
Tori Landron
second that!
Tori Landron
if on ipad or iPhone i also use the screen record funcction
Luke Bettencourt
if you have a MacBook, iMovie is great too
Natosha Harris
Allow the players to clear you before you report...they messing up your awesome report 🙂
Jon Broska
congrats Tori!!!
Michael Castaneda
Natosha Harris
HECKY YEAH Tori, Michael and Nathan
Tori Landron
thank you, thank you!
Natosha Harris
Tori Landron
this was great kara, thank you so much for putting yourself out there. the detail you put into your process is amazing
Rob Rorke
Nice job Kara!
Michael Castaneda
Need more information?
Questions about the NIRSA Championship Series Basketball Championship can be directed to the NIRSA Director of National Sport Programs, Nicole Jackson.