John Blazek, NCAA Men’s Division 2 National Coordinator of Officials, was selected as the first NCAA Men’s Division 2 National Coordinator of Officials in 2018. He has 33 years of officiating experience and 10 years experience as a conference supervisor of officials. In addition to his work with the NCAA, John also coordinates officials for the National Junior College Athletic Association National Championships as well as the KCAC and KJCCC Conferences in Kansas.
John talks about how the little things make a big difference, in life and officiating, check it out now.
Chat Transcript
Natosha Harris
Thank you to everyone on the call! We appreciate y'all!
Michael Castaneda
Thank you for your dedication in your development by attending!
Michael Castaneda
If you have any questions during the presentation, please post them on the chat. The leadership team are moderating the chat and will ask the questions to our presenters.
Natosha Harris
Shout out to Tyler!
Tyler Burroughs
Scott Flickinger
Dylan McCareeth
For John: What are the best ways for a young official to gain the trust of veterans on and off the court?
Michael Aguilar
For John: Are there any D2 camps you recommend a young official should attend? Specifically west coast.
Tyler Haman
For John: As a younger official you touched on giving a response to coaches; however, what do you do if they ask you a technical question that you don't know the answer to perhaps it
Luke Mrakovich
John: going off that question, as a young official who on most nights is 15-30 years younger than a given coach, would you recommended calling him/her by their first name, or by coach to show more respect?
Tyler Haman
cont: perhaps it is about a ruling that you are not 100 percent sure of. Thanks for being here.
Tyler Bandhoo
Are there things you feel are commonly missed during pre-games?
Malik Galbraith
What advice do you have for referees that have a particularly tough night or miss a big call?
Need more information?
Questions about the NIRSA Championship Series Basketball Championship can be directed to the NIRSA Director of National Sport Programs, Nicole Jackson.